Nitrate Good News Story
CMDP have written a good news story about the Skid and Vessels delivery success at Flemmings Road Water Supply Works. This is just one of the three nitrate removal plants that we are working on with CMDP for Southern Water.
Flemings Road Water Supply Works (WSW} is the site of one of multiple ‘nitrate’ schemes that CMDP is currently delivering in Kent. To reduce nitrate levels and ensure Southern Water can continue to provide highquality drinking water to its customers, nitrate removal plants are being installed at Wingham, Flemings Road and Martin Gorse WSWs, as part of an innovative solution that will allow blending of drinking water from other sources in the Thanet area.
A key milestone at Flemings Road WSW was the delivery of skids and vessels into the ion exchange building. This is the part of the Works where nitrates will be removed from water via a chemical reaction.
CMDP, ACWA, FSD, Northern Escalators and Colemans Construction worked collaboratively to ensure the five-day delivery schedule was achieved safely, effectively and efficiently. The two skids – permanent foundations for heavy equipment in the ion exchange building – were delivered on the first day and lifted using a HIAB crane before being ‘skated’ under control into their final position.
The vessels were then delivered over a three-day period. The lifting method adopted was to ‘top and tail’ each individual vessel into the entrance of the ion building, at which point the vessels were transferred onto a small remote-control crane for final positioning. The deliveries and positioning of the vessels was undertaken in a well-managed and controlled manor, reducing the original programme of works down from five days to four – a great achievement by the whole team!
“Very proud of the collaboration shown on site by all involved in this element of works. It shows that hard work and effort in the lead up to delivery by the site team pays off. Well done, brilliant achievement.” Kerry Burton – Construction & Delivery Lead, CMDP