Nitrate Removal

How can ACWA's Nitreat® Technology help?

ACWA’s approach to a Nitrate Removal Plant (NRP) utilises continuous counter current which optimises both the nitrate absorption process and softened / flushing water usage by having multiple vessels passing in series through the regeneration stages, ultimately reducing the total wastewater produced.

ACWA now has over 38 Nitreat® Plants installed / in operation with the UK ranging from 3MLD up to 92MLD.

Key Features

ACWA’s Nitreat® solution has been developed to deliver the following features:

  • Optimised Softened Water Production & Recovery
  • Minimum Waste Production/Disposal Costs
  • Automated Dynamic Inlet/ Bypass control
  • Nitrate, Hardness & Conductivity Monitoring & Control
  • Automated Softened Water & Brine Systems
  • Automated Dynamic Blended Discharge Control
  • Long Term Standby / Mothballing
  • Design and Build (digital delivery and off-site manufacture)
  • Commissioning
  • Project Management
  • No ‘slug’ waste discharges when discharging to sewer
  • Service and Maintenance can be provided

In finding the best solutions we look at innovative ideas and turn them into reality producing some of the most sustainable technological solutions on the market.

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OPEX Savings

In addition to the OPEX Saving in Tanker costs for offsite disposal of the wastewaters produced through the regeneration phase, other potential savings would be:

  • Softened Water Production is a continuous direct feed to the Nitreat® Skid/s removing the need for bulk Backwash Storage and Transfer Pumps needed within the Conventional system
  • With greater volumes of Softened Water required to regenerate Conventional Columns, the softener system will require greater volumes of brine for softener Regeneration ultimately increasing Salt Consumption for the Conventional process
  • Discharging Directly to Sewer - The Nitreat® waste flow does NOT require buffering prior to discharge as the flow and load is a continuous stream. The Conventional system (4-6 Regen cycles /day) will require waste buffering prior to discharge to prevent instantaneous ‘slug’ discharges of brine waste which may affect local treatment facilities if not diluted sufficiently

Nitreat® References

Since 2005, ACWA’s Nitreat® Technology has been adopted by most Water Companies providing network resilience with the potential to process up to 228MLD Raw Feed Water removing up to 13,818kg/NO3 (Nitrate) every day.

  • Affinity Water
  • Anglian Water
  • Cambridge Water
  • Southern Water
  • South East Water
  • South Staffordshire Water
  • Severn Trent Water
  • Thames Water
  • Yorkshire Water

ACWA’s reliable bespoke Nitreat® Design can be configured to meet any/all of your network requirements utilising ACWA’s Standard Skid Arrangement and Instrument Board Monitoring which are assembled in our workshop utilising DfMA (design for manufacture and assembly) techniques.