Colchester Wastewater Treatment Works – Ammonia Removal Plant
Colchester Wastewater Treatment Works – Ammonia Removal Plant
At Colchester Wastewater Treatment Works changes to the arrangement of old assets and the construction of new assets to treat sludge through digestion resulted in the need to reduce the high levels of ammonia before discharge.
ACWA’s successful solution was to design and construct its proprietary high rate (Amtreat®) ammonia removal system. With only limited space available on site this system was designed to fit into a very restricted space by the site access road. The Amtreat® system comprises of:
Anoxic tank
Amtreat® Reactor with a degassing column
Final settlement tank
Recirculation loop complete with Heat Exchanger
Chemical dosing systems
The Benefits
ACWA’s Amtreat® solution provides:
High ammonia removal efficiencies in excess of 98%