Codford Water Treatment Works – Rapid Gravity Pressure Filters
Codford Water Treatment Works – Rapid Gravity Pressure Filters
Wessex Water opted to improve treatment flows, reduce capital and operational costs for the process treatment and pumping, by upgrading and replacing the current treatment system at the Codford WTW with a completely new treatment facility.
This work was in response to increases in population and industrial users on the local area network demand. The resulting ACWA delivered system ensured a resilient network based on expected future flows and reduced the risk of network failure, whilst lowering carbon footprint.
In line with Wessex Water’s detailed requirement, ACWA’s contract involved the design, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 7 No Pressure Sand Filters complete with Automated backwash and air scour systems. Each Sand Filter is Ø4.0m x 2.5m Tan / Tan with an operating bed depth of 1.05m.
All the vessels were connected with stainless steel 316 manifold pipework running between the vessels on common goal post supports with the feed, discharge and backwash connections rising up to flanged connections.
Each vessel is filled with a base of supporting 6mm stone and 6/14 sand with a filtration bed of 16/30 sand.
• Designed to minimise the overall filter footprint
• Built with Redundancy for Future treatment flow requirements