Bateman’s Brewery – Memtreat® Membrane Bio Reactor technology

Like most well established breweries, the Batemans Brewery has had a gradual increase in production over the years with the introduction of new seasonal and all year round ales tailored to suit its customer’s requirements. With this expansion of production free space was at a premium.

The brewery’s waste production had also increased and although the wastewater and wash down waters collection network and interconnecting drains did not need modification, the onsite waste water treatment plant required upgrading to ensure effluent remained within the trade effluent discharge consent to the local sewer.

Although other technologies would be capable of treating the effluent for discharge to sewer, Batemans brewery opted for ACWA’s MEMTREAT® (Membrane Bio Reactor) technology which has a small footprint whilst producing small quantities of sludge and high quality permeate grey water suitable for reuse.

ACWA’s successful turnkey solution utilised some existing assets along with multiple new tanks and equipment constructed around the existing treatment system to provide a robust cost effective solution complete automated with the following:

  • Existing Raw Balancing
  • Screening, Balancing and transfer Systems
  • Activated Sludge Biological Treatment
  • Membrane Bio Reactor System (submerged membranes)
  • Sludge Storage
  • Chemical Dosing & Monitoring systems

Benefits and outcomes

  • Robust flexible solution
  • Minimal WWTP footprint
  • Low environmental impact (footprint & height)
  • Low energy usage
  • A High quality of waste water suitable for potential reuse
  • Simple to operate and maintain