Bairds Malt Production Facility – Replacement Biofilters
At the Bairds Malt facility located in Pencaitland near Edinburgh, which produces over 47,000 Tonnes per annum, the waste stream passes through several stages of primary treatment before discharging to the 2 stage secondary biofilter treatment system.
As with any kit it needs replacing over time and as the Biofilter frame had become unstable and the media had collapsed in the centre reducing treatment capacity it was time to renew.
ACWA’s robust solution involved the demolition and removal of the failing biofilters, the existing concrete ponds were accessed, rebuilt/cast and coated with a heavy duty corrosion resistant coating to protect all wetted areas of the system. The 2 new biofilter frames (5.1m x 5.2m x 8.6m) were manufactured from galvanised steel with a marine external coating bolted down to the concrete pond, with internal corrugated corrosion resistant sheeting to protect the frame complete with roof to maintain operational temperature during winter operation. The structured media (125m3/Filter) was installed as a free standing structure within the frame complete with a GRP cover providing unrestricted access to all areas of the biofilter.
New duty/duty recirculation pumps were provided complete with the distribution pipework ensuring all areas of the filter media in each filter are used for maximum COD reduction. From a staggered start up, the system was seeded and meeting consent within 10 weeks.
ACWA’s installed solution provides:
• Robust flexible solution
• Existing WWTP footprint reused
• Designed to chemical based waste for COD reduction
• Design maximised treatment surface area with structured media
• Simple to operate and maintain