ACWA Services Ltd. teams up with Nuvoda in an Exclusive Partnership

ACWA Services Ltd. teams up with Nuvoda in an Exclusive Partnership to bring their cutting edge patented MOB™ Process Technology to the UK and Ireland

The MOB™ (Mobile Organic Biofilm™) Process is a unique and sustainable wastewater treatment process developed by Nuvoda to provide process intensification including increased treatment capacity, simultaneous nutrient removal, improved settleability, and optimized process stability. The patented MOB™ process utilizes a renewable lignocellulosic fiber, grown, harvested, and processed as a medium for biofilm growth.  The fiber core is machined down to 500 microns in size, serving as a backbone for aerobic granular sludge growth. The BioMedia is fully mobile, circulating throughout the process providing process intensification.

Nuvoda’s MOBTM Process provides:

  • Cost avoidance by expanding treatment capacity in an existing footprint
  • Enables plants to meet effluent discharge requirements by lowering discharge nutrient levels
  • Cost savings through energy and chemical use reduction
  • Management of increased frequency of major storm events (high flow); which can severely upset operations and effluent discharge levels

“We are delighted to have teamed up with Nuvoda to bring their MOB™ Process technology to the UK and Irish Municipal and Industrial markets under an exclusive license,” states Simon Langley, ACWA’s Managing Director. “This innovative process fits with ACWA’s mantra of ‘’What flows is innovation’’ and expands our process capabilities offering, to both our long established and valued clients and future customers.

Nuvoda’s CEO, Jonathan Lister commented, “Nuvoda’s MOB™ Process technology has broad acceptance in the U.S. marketplace. This partnership with ACWA will now expand our presence in the UK and Irish marketplaces and is one of the first steps in our international expansion. The MOBTM Process is ideally suited for the UK, Irish and European markets with its emphasis on green eco-friendly technology which increases capacity, lowers nutrient level discharge and reduces energy consumption.”

ACWA is one of the leading UK players delivering innovative sustainable process solutions and technologies for both municipal and industrial clean water, wastewater and bio-solids treatment.

We design and execute resilient cost-effective technologies which address the needs of our clients and their regulatory drivers whilst helping to address climate change.

About Nuvoda Nuvoda, a leader in innovative water reuse solutions delivers sustainable, renewable, and eco-friendly technologies geared towards increasing capacity and lowering operational costs. Nuvoda’s MOBTM Process is installed in numerous full-scale installations in both Municipal and Industrial wastewater treatment plants, as well as ongoing trials and pilots across North America and Europe. Nuvoda is headquartered in Raleigh, North Carolina. For more information visit,